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1. Eye - Heaven
2. Ear - Mankind
3. Nose - Asura (competing, war)
4. Tongue - Hell
5. Skin - Hungry Ghost
6. Brain - Animals
7. Consciousness, Manas, study of psychologists. An engine in neutral.
8. Consciousness, Alaya, religion and high school education. Dependent on someone else.
All ordinary life has six consciousnesses. These six plus form are the five elements: form, perception, name, conception and knowledge. Form has four components: earth, water, fire and wind.
ENLIGHTENMENT (beyond conciousness)
9.Bodhi, Karma, fate of consciousness,
Amala kalpa. Perfect Enlightenment as


10.Tathagata (Heaven). One who earns

Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi owns the

dharma bowl and robe, the Triple Kaya

Nirvana Palace on top of Mount Sumeru (abideless mind).
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